By Adam Harrow
I am writing about Ivan Truchev. He is the current General Secretary of Moskochev, and the creator of an extreme political ideology known as Moskism. He is renowned for being very violent, corrupt, and narcissistic. His ideology, that he has persuaded millions to support, has placed him as supreme ruler of the nation, for prior to his arrival, there was not a constitution, therefor, he could alter the laws and create an imperialistic and authoritarian society, governed completely by one man - himself. He is responsible for millions of lives lost, either within Moskochev or outside of Moskochev. He enjoys creating and partaking in perpetual war with other countries, and his complete and god-like power over his starving populace fuels Truchev's atrocities, and the hunger for an anti-Moskist revolution amongst the populace. He supports Aryan and male supremacy, and enslaves/revokes the rights of anyone who isn't Aryan or male. Geographically, Moskochev sits between Adrionis and Diablo Blanca, thus giving Truchev an advantage if nuclear war were to occur.
Ivan Truchev's complete lust for power makes me disgusted and angry. He exploits the promises of peace and happiness for complete dominance over a misinformed populace. It makes me near-depressed when I witness the starvation and oppression the citizens of Moskochev endure. Children being ripped away from their parents due to strict parental licensing laws, kids sweating and bleeding in factories instead of studying to become something great, and overall, the fact that the citizens of this once great nation must look towards a fat, evil emperor for help makes me sick and devastated.CORRUPTION
Ivan Truchev's corruption is the one that disgusts me even more than his lust for power. He, along with the rest of the Inner Ministry, take 95% of the economy for themselves. They take what little money Moskochev has for infrastructure and gamble it away in foreign countries, spend it on prostitution or drugs, invest it, and more. The remaining 5% of the economy goes towards providing low-quality food for the people, failing but usable infrastructure, and enough supplies to the military for them to crush smaller foreign nations who question Truchev's rule. I think of the many starving families of 10 who either go without food, or with enough food to keep them from dying. They spend most of the day working in factories, and then they spend the rest of the day standing in a line for rations. I truly wish that King Mario Lanza III of Adrionis and the rest of the Subtopian Political Union would start to provide some aid for helpless Moskochevians. The corruption disgusts me more than anything.EXPLOITATION
Ivan Truchev's exploitation of good promises for political power makes me angry. He forces the writers of the Telegraph Agency of Moskochev to glorify him in everything. It is an offense punishable by death to fail to leave out "glorious and venerable" before Truchev's name in any document. He mass-prints documents of every type to be sent to poor, blue-collar parts of Moskochev. These documents make him out to be a heavenly and divine figure that will feed, clothe, and bless any Moskochevian, as long as they worship him. He even forced the best artists of Moskochev to erect a massive feline figure/statue of himself, titled "Velikiy Lider", or "Truchev the Great", to be worshiped by the "loyal" citizens of Moskochev.PERPETUAL WAR
Ivan Truchev actually enjoys creating perpetual war for the nation of Moskochev. He uses it as a way to force the economy to pay more for defense and military and lower the morale of citizens who have lost loved ones due to conscription. This way, starving citizens will turn towards Truchev's grace, thus earning him more power as a supreme leader. Along with the exploitation of the wars, he also uses it to spread Moskism, his political ideology, to foreign lands. He forces it upon once-tranquil citizens of now war-torn countries, and they begin to worship Truchev, as well. They sit and wait for the promised foreign aid from Moskochev that never reaches their land. It is disgusting to me.CONCLUSION
Ivan Truchev has turned an extreme political ideology into a religion, right under Moskochevian noses. It is now up to glorious and honorable groups like the peaceful protest group "Free Moskochev" or the violent, anti-Moskist terrorist group "Moskochevian Partisan Movement" to stop Truchev's rule and bring a revolution of democracy and equality to Moskochev. However, Truchev might still find a way to woo even the toughest resistance fighters into Moskist control. Only time will tell.This document is brought to you by the Subtopian Free Journalism Foundation®.
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Written by Adam Harrow, Tiny Dog Studios™, 2019.
© 2019 Tiny Dog Studios™. All rights reserved.
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